
Highlights and Quotes: 2016 State of the Nation Address of President Rodrigo "Rody" Roa Duterte

5:57:00 AM

President Rodrigo Rody Roa Duterte
ALMOST a month after taking office, President Rodrigo Duterte on Monday delivered his first State of the Nation Address (Sona) at the Batasang Pambansa in Quezon City.

Duterte’s speech, which started at around 4 p.m., ran for 1 hour and 33 minutes.

The speech touched on the government’s relentless war on drugs. It also tackled human rights, federalism, climate change and environmental matters, traffic and transportation issues, and peace talks with communist rebels, among others.

The Sona coincided with the opening of the 17th Congress.

It was directed by award-winning film director Brillante Mendoza.


President Rodrigo Duterte enumerated his program of government in his first State of the Nation Address on July 25, 2016.
  • The DENR is directed to review all permits granted to mining logging and other environmentally sensitive activities.
  • The military is directed to intensify its support role against anti-illegal logging and anti-illegal mining activities.
  • We shall also pursue rail projects in Metro Manila and major key points in the country.
  • As for driver’s licenses, its effectiveness will be extended from the current 3-year period to 5 years.
  • Processing time in issuing permits and licenses shall be reduced.
  • Our anti-colorum campaign and out-of-line apprehension including the removal of terminals will be intensified.
  • Announcing a unilateral ceasefire with the CPP/NPA/NDF.
  • We shall be implementing structural mitigation measures to address the perennial flooding in Metro Manila and neighboring areas.
  • We will accelerate infrastructure spending by improving national roads and bridges and implementing the Mindanao Logistics Infrastructure Network.
  • We shall also conduct a nationwide soil analysis to determine areas most suitable for rice farming to optimize production.
  • The field of tourism, we shall construct more access roads from tourism gateways to service centers and tourist sites.
  • We shall also enhance local business environment by addressing bottlenecks in business registration and processing.
  • Implementing Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law must also be put into full force and effect.
  • My administration shall implement a human rights-based approach to development and governance.
  • We will increase the number of residential treatment and rehabilitation centers.
  • Passport validity will be extended to 10 years.
  • We will increase the number of treatment and rehabilitation facilities in all regions of the country.
  • Enact the Whistleblower Protection Law while the present Witness Protection Program shall be strengthened.
  • A law should be passed to create the People’s Broadcasting Corporation, replacing PTV-4, the government-run, TV station, which now aims to replicate international government broadcasting networks.
  • We will put up the First Muslim and Lumad television channels.
  • The DENR is directed to review all permits granted to mining, logging and other environmentally sensitive activities.
  • The Clark airport can be utilized to shift some operations of our domestic and international airlines.
  • Sangley Point will be offered to general aviation.
  • Our anti-colorum campaign and out-of-line apprehension including the removal of terminals will be intensified.
  • We will create an agency for overseas Filipino workers.
  • There will be no demolition of squatter areas without relocation plans.
  • Develop a National Broadband Plan to accelerate the deployment of fiber optic cables and wireless technologies to improve internet speed.
  • WiFi access shall be provided at no charge in selected public places.
  • We shall intensify our war against human traffickers and illegal recruiters that prey on our migrant workers.
  • A mandatory financial education for all migrant families and their communities shall be pursued
  • I have directed the DSWD to provide rice subsidies to the poorest Filipino families every month
  • We will also intensify and expand the Alternative Learning system programs.
  • I order all agencies, oversight bodies and local government units down to the barangay level to fully implement the Magna Carta for Women.
  • The government will also provide universal health insurance for all Filipinos.
  • The government has issued Certificates of Ancestral Domain Titles to Lumad communities.

Below is a compilation of quotes from the State of the Nation Address of President Rodrigo Duterte on July 25, 2016.
  • What I see are widows and orphans and I see their pain and grief.
  • Sorrow cuts across every strata of society.
  • Let us end the centuries of distrust and war.
  • Courage knows no limits, cowardice does.
  • Fingerpointing is not the way of honorable men
  • Courage knows no limits, cowardice does.
  • He who is the cause of the cause is the cause of them all.
  • This will be a clean government.
  • In this quest I will put at stake my honor, my life, my presidency.
  • All of us want peace, not the peace of the dead, of course, but the peace of the living.
  • For those who have valid reasons to complain against corruption, the gates of Malacañang are open.
The president’s address started at 4:07 p.m. and ended at 5:40 p.m. and interrupted 108 times by applause from the audience.

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