Senator Leila de Lima |
As of 7:35 am of Tuesday, July 12, 2016, the petition has been signed by 3,899 netizens. Almost a thousands away from the target of 5,000 signatures.
Joshua Jireh Cinco started it aiming to gather supporters who wanted to remove the former DOJ secretary out of her senatorial post.
Top comment who appears to be a supporter of this move wrote. "She's creating so much mess in this country. She's not protecting the lives of the masses rather she's always protecting the rights of the criminals instead of the victims. She's not a leader instead she's always misleading the true direction of our country."
A certain Abner Fediripe also backs the petition saying "She's a disgrace to senate and Druglord protector. She let them cook and prepare drugs inside the prison"
You may check the petition on