
What Aloe Vera Does In Your Body Why Egyptians Called It The Plant Of Immortality

9:35:00 PM

Aloe Vera Plant
Aloe Vera, is a plant also known as easy and cute to care for that brightens any home. But many people didn’t realized that this succulent contain amazing healing capabilities. This plant, or Aloe Barbadensis, is used for thousands of years. It’s known that it had a sacred place in the roman, Greek and ancient Egyptian society. It has been used as medicine in Latin America, the Caribbean, and South Africa.

According to the reports of the University of Maryland Medical Center, the Aloe was often prescribed medicine in the United States for two centuries, from 18th up till today.

Benefits of Aloe

Consuming the Aloe Vera is still a popular home remedy for ulcerative colitis, mouth, osteoarthritis, fever, asthma or simply as a general tonic.

It’s also often used for treating sunburns, burns, infections, cuts or wounds. It takes the role of an analgesic, fighting itching and inflammation.

This is provided by the two powerful immune-boosting compounds: glycoproteins and polysaccharides. Glycoproteins reduce the inflammation and block the pain, while polysaccharides starts the skin repair and keeps it moisturized.

Aloe can also be used for treating genital herpes, constipation, seborrheic dermatitits, psoriasis, cancer, canker sores, dental conditions, high cholesterol, inflammatory bowel disease and for lowering the blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes.

How to prepare and use Aloe gel

You’ll need:

  • Cutting board
  • Filleting knife
  • Aloe plant
  • Plate
  • Cotton towel
  • Sterile glass jar
  • Fresh lemon juice
  • Food processor


  • Wash your hands to avoid contaminating the sterile gel.
  • Take a thick at least 4-6 inches long mature leaf from the bottom of your plant. Cut it off and don’t harm other leaves.
  • Wipe your knife clean.
  • Wash and dry the leaf and place it on your plat at a 45o angle so that it may drain out the yellow juice. The yellow juice is a potent laxative that may cause digestive problems in some people.
  • After 15 minutes, cut the sharp edges from the sides.
  • Fillet the leaf to remove the green outer shell by losing gel in the process as little as possible.
  • Cut the gel into cubes and place it in the jar.
  • Take off any remaining gel from the scraps.
  • Add some fresh lemon juice to help the gel last longer. It takes a quarter lemon for each cup of gel.
  • You can make a smoother gel by using the food processor by choice.
  • Store in a sealed jar for a week in a sealed jar.

For medicinal use, take 30 ml three times a day internally after consulting your naturopath.

For topical use,  clean and cut the leaf and rub the gel directly to your wound several times a day until fully healed.

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